Declaration of Donor’s Rights

  • Declaration of Donor’s Rights

At the Children of Hope Association, we believe that donations as a non-governmental organisation (NGO) are a voluntary act, and that giving and sharing increases our quality of life.

We support donor rights because we attach great importance to NGOs and projects to earn the trust and respect of the people, and to make donations safely and smartly by donors and potential donors. We recognise that all donors have the following rights:

1. To inform the NGO about its mission and vision, how to use the donation and its capacity and intention to use it efficiently in the direction of donation purposes

2. To obtain information about the board of directors and managers and to expect the managers to fulfill their duties in a prudent way

3. To gain access to current financial information

4. To request a guarantee for proper use for the purpose of donations

5. To receive proper acknowledgment

6. To request the confidentiality of donations in accordance with the law

7. To demand that all employees representing the institution have professional relations with all the relationships they have established with themselves

8. To know whether the donor is a volunteer, an employee, or just an outsider looking for a job

9. To request that contact information is deleted from our lists if shared with others

10. When making a donation, to ask questions and receive instant, accurate and clear answers.



Item 1 – Parties of this protocol; Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı ile Uçan Balon Çocuk ve Gençlik Derneği, Etimesgut Fatma Üçer Sokak Çocukları ve Kimsesizleri Koruma Derneği, Güven Eğitim ve Sağlık Vakfı, Mutlu Çocuklar Derneği, Uyuşturucu ile Mücadele Derneği, Çocuk Eğitim, Rehabilitasyon ve Yardım Derneği, Mersin Eğitim Gönüllüleri Kültür ve Dayanışma Derneği, Hukuk ve Hayat Derneği, Hayat Sağlık ve Sosyal Hizmetler Vakfı, Sıcak Yuva Vakfı, Sokakta Yaşayan Çocuklar Derneği, Umut Çocukları Derneği, Türkiye Sokak Çocukları Vakfı, Mersin Eğitim Kültür Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma Derneği, Mutlu Yuva Mutlu Yaşam Derneği ve İstanbul Çocukları Vakfı


Item 2 – Abbreviations in this protocol;

MFSP             : Ministry of Family and Social Policies,

DGCS            : Directorate General of Child Services,

PDFSP           : Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Policies,

AYC               : Adolescent and Youth Center

NGO              : Non-Governmental Organization


Item 3 – The aim of this protocol is to reintegrate children who live/beg/forced to work on the street into society by treatment, rehabilitation, and education with the cooperation of related institutions and NGOs.


Item 4 – This protocol encompasses the cooperation between Ministry of Family and Social Policies and NGOs


Item 5 – This protocol is prepared based on Family and Social Policies Ministry’s provision of law about governance and duties under law number 633, item 2, paragraph 1, clause (c), and numbered 2005/5 in subject of “Service Model Intended for Children living/forced to work on the street”


Item 6 – The parties are responsible to carry out proceedings in accordance to their own regulations within the scope of this protocol.


Item 7 – The parties will cooperate to carry out the provisions of this protocol in the following items:

  1. Detection and monitoring of children living/being forced to work/being forced to beg on the street, implementation of interventions,
  2. Implementation and development of projects intented to rehabilitate, treat and educate children living/being forced to work/being forced to beg on the street,
  3. Directing the parents of children living/being forced to work/being forced to beg on the street to vocational training and securing work placement after the training,
  4. Creating spot-film, poster, flyer, brochure, and similar materials to raise consciousness and sensitivity towards the risks of child labour,
  5. Promoting campaigns, panels, seminars etc. to prevent children from begging and working on the street,
  6. Conducting studies to raise awareness in neighborhoods and districts where the risk of children living/being forced to work/being forced to beg on the street is high,
  7. Carrying out social, cultural, educational, artistic, and sports activities for children and adolescents benefitting from AYCs in order to utilize their free time,
  8. Detection of children benefitting from AYCs and who are gifted in arts or sports and provision of necessary education,
  9. Organization of historical and touristic tours with the cooperation of AYCs during the recess of the education period,
  10. Following the completion of vocational training, creating employment opportunities for children and adolescents benefitted from AYCs who completed the social rehabilitation process,
  1. Using available facilities (help in kind or in cash) to support parents who force their children to work due to lack of financial means,
  2. Disposing of the problem and prevention of reoccurrence.


Item 8 – In case of a conflict due to the implementation of the protocol, a commission is established consisting of two people representing the organization or the institution of the conflicting party and two people representing the Ministry to resolve the issue. However, Minister of Family and Social Policies has the authority to make the final decision.


Item 9 – Works of cooperation within the scope of the protocol is carried out in accordance to current legislation.


Item 10 – Ministry of Family and Social Policies and NGOs execute this protocol in conjunction.


Item 11 – Protocol of cooperation with NGOs is valid for two years starting from the date when all parties signed the document. The parties have the right to cancel or to propose changes to the protocol. If the parties do not make any declarations within last 3 months of the protocol’s expiration date, the protocol extends for another 2 years.


Item 12 – This protocol containing 4 pages and 12 items is enforced after signing of all parties